The Tiny Pleasures of Life
Really Tiny.
2 min readJun 22, 2018
- Waking up to a cold rainy morning and remembering its a holiday
- Putting a hand into a bag of grains and lifting up a handful while watching the grains escape from between the fingers.
- Being able to single out a birdsong from the normal sounds of the day and listen to it.
- The whiff of baking. Warm vanilla, sugar, butter, a delightful aroma! Bliss!
- Finishing that last word in a crossword (yes, being patient about it).
- Looking at that inviting Crème brûlée and resisting it because you are off sugar.
- Cracking that hard caramel surface of a Crème brûlée.
- The tinkling of wind chimes swaying in the wind.
- Watching the rain. Noticing if the water droplets are straight or slanted to the left or the right.
- Looking at old photos of when we were young.
- Finishing that coffee while it is still hot!
- Beating the alarm clock in its race to the morning.
- Having the baby hold you tight while sleeping and getting that oddly satisfying baby-smell; a mix of baby cream, and child, and love.
- Looking at each wrinkle on your granny’s skin to see where it starts from.
- Striking off a to-do list, one by one.
If you feel the same for any of these tiny pleasures of life, clap for the story. If you don’t, clap harder and tell me of what brings you the little pleasures of life!