Michelle thanks so much for your valuable comments. When we start off as writers, we do not bother about ‘no one giving a hoot’ about it. However, as we grow as writers, that expectation slips into us that we hope at least one person reads what we write. I agree that we write for ourselves, and for our own creative urges, and if I could show you the tonnes of words I have churned out (and I’m sure you have too)for myself, it would make books after books.
Having said that, as growing writers, it encourages us to know more writers who can share our daily tribulations and more readers who can identify with us, with our words, with our problems that we express.
But, if no one reads us, do we stop writing? No. Real writers don’t. Even JK Rowling didnt, but if JK Rowling had to go back to her days of obscurity, I’m sure she wont like it either.
Plus, all I said in my post is in good humor. :)